The Ambassadorship programme is taking 4evergreen to major packaging and sustainability events.

We’re on a mission to reach a remarkable 90% recycling rate for fibre-based packaging by 2030 in Europe. The Ambassadorship Programme is a critical step towards this ambitious goal.

The programme focuses on promoting the adoption of 4evergreen’s industry guidelines and tools, including the Recyclability Evaluation Protocol, the Circularity by Design Guideline, and the Guidance on the Improved Collection and Sorting.

By sharing our expert knowledge with stakeholders across the entire packaging value chain, we foster collaboration and drive progress towards a more circular future.

Strength in numbers

The Ambassadorship Programme is powered by our member organisations, a diverse group of voices united by a common goal: perfecting circularity for fibre-based packaging.

Our ambassadors attend numerous gatherings on a regular basis to showcase the alliance’s expertise in packaging circularity and promote industry adoption of our tool box.

Meet the 4evergreen ambassadors

4evergreen at three leading events!

In addition to the presence of ambassadors at numerous gatherings, 4evergreen will also be present as an exhibitor at these three top events in Europe:

Keep an eye on 4evergreen’s social media (LinkedIn and X) and newsletters for the latest updates, as more and more 4evergreen ambassadors participate in industry fairs and sustainability meetings.